4.2 coming. Save your SHSH for 4.1 now.

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

4.2 is about to be out. It’s nothing great for any of us. But it means iTunes will be prompting for an update, which of course you should decline. But the worst part….

Due to traffic reasons, Cydia didnt present the ‘make my life easier’ dialog. So many of you do not have SHSH stored for 4.1 which means once apple releases 4.2, you will never be able to restore 4.1 again. It’s critical that you download tiny umbrella and request your 4.1 SHSH today, while 4.1 is still being signed. You may have only a few days left of this opportunity.

You can tell if you have an SHSH for 4.1 in cydia’s home screen at the very top (although this may not yet be enabled in Cydia for all devices). You should see something like:
SHSH: iOS 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.1

If you do not see the above line and / or it does not include 4.1, make sure you get tiny umbrella and get your SHSH now.

Download it here

Consider this urgent!

BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee

37 Responses to “4.2 coming. Save your SHSH for 4.1 now.”

  1. BikingBrian Says:

    Actually, 4.2 will be great for those of us still running 3.1.3 on 3G phones because 4.0.X is too slow, and no unlock for 4.1 was released. Hopefully the jailbreak and unlock follow soon after the 4.2 release.

  2. cgreen1300 Says:

    I thunk 4.1 was just another shot at unjailbreaking your device. It was said that 4.1 would fix the proximity sensor and give you HDR ( which you can get as a free app in the app store – ooh about 2 years ago ) I have yet to see a change with the 2 that I own or the ones that my friends have. My ear still hit mute and dile numbers. 4.2 is going to be just another attempt to unjailbreak you device.
    Besides I thought the last two ( Greenp0ison and limerain ) jailbreaks were to be the one that Apple could not patch unless the created a whole new device.

  3. The6uest Says:

    Does 4.2 have any worthwhile changes or just minor stuff? iOS 4.1 didn’t seem to make my proximity sensor much better. The screen still comes on somtimes while I have the phone up to my ear.

  4. KiLLCraZy Says:


  5. Peter Says:

    I know this is completely off topic but I’d like to report a bug in SBSettings and have no way of reaching you (I sent an e-mail but I just read on the About page that you get 300 per day so you probably didn’t see mine).

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Respring
    2. Swipe for SBSettings and set the brightness very low (or the opposite if it’s already set very low).
    3. Close SBSettings
    4. Lock/sleep the device.
    5. Unlock/wake the device.

    Bug: the brightness gets put back to its original setting. This is on an iPhone 4 using iOS 4.1.

    Hope this gets noticed!

  6. Dave Says:

    4.2 is a HUGE update for iPad users, bringing Airplay, multitasking, folders, and other things previously only available on the iPhone running 4.x.

    BAD NEWS though. The 4.2 GM breaks USB Audio via the Camera Kit completely, and many devs are reporting major new issues with WiFi, MobileMe, AirPlay, and AirPrint.

    I’m not installing 4.2 until these issues are resolved. I’m really hoping Apple doesn’t release this as the final.

  7. The6uest Says:

    Peter, I have noticed the same issue with my iPhone 4. It doesn’t keep the brightness you set unless you set it several times.. or until you go into the iPhone settings and change it that way.

    What’s weird is if you change it in SBSettings, lock then unlock the phone, then go into iPhone settings, it will show the brightness where you set it even though the phone won’t be at that brightness until you adjust it again.

    I’ve said something about this issue before too but haven’t gotten a reply. I would at least like to know if it’s an issue with iPhone 4′s, iOS4, or some other app I have installed.

  8. PitaJé Says:

    You could have jailbroken your 3G with RedSnow.

  9. KiLLCraZy Says:

    y can’t I post anything…

  10. KiLLCraZy Says:

    wtf, when I type in something small it post… when I type in something big after I hit submit and refreshes but never gets post, wtf?

  11. CrimsoN Says:

    To answer atleast a small part of your question: my 3Gs has the same issue. I currently only use the brightness control in settings (so not SBsettings) because of it :(

  12. Joe Says:

    I would check to make sure this is not an issue with auto brightness. If you have auto brightness on the brightness will adjust every time the device is turned on/wakened.

  13. Dwayne Chapman Says:

    I haven’t seen this question asked anywhere so I’m hoping someone here could give me some advice. I have a iPhone 4 still on 4.0.1 since I wasn’t sure how to upgrade to 4.1 without losing my jailbreak but I now have tiny umbrella and PkgBackup in preparation of updating and re jailbreaking with LimeRa1n.

    Should I upgrade to 4.1 before 4.2 or would it be ok to go straight from 4.0.1 to 4.2 then re jailbreak?

  14. dudu Says:

    same question for me, Iphone 3G with 4.0 (8A293)
    should I go directly to 4.2 ?

  15. The6uest Says:

    If y’all don’t get 4.1 now, you may have to wait several weeks before you can upgrade to 4.2 with a jailbreak. Although, if your phone is working fine with 4.0, there probably isn’t any benefit to upgrading anyways. It does fix some things on the iPhone 4 though..

  16. Zahi Baroudi Says:

    i have ios 4.1 n my iphone 3G, but most of applications crash suddenly, does anyone have any idea why this is happening ? nd how can i fix it ?

  17. The6uest Says:

    That’s because 4.1 on the 3G uses up too much memory so it doesn’t take much to run out. OS 4.2 is supposed to be better for the 3G but who knows.

  18. Plotkin35 Says:

    I’ve been torn. I just picked up the iphone 4 a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve not jailbroken it yet. I had my 3G, and GS both jailbroken and loved it. But on the new i$, I can’t really see a need other than Backgrounder and SBSettings and a few more that are slipping my mind.

    Has anyone else had this same thought? The iphone 4 is really a great phone as is. I know how much I loved my previous JB phone, but I always felt like battery was draining super fast, and my calls failed a lot. I haven’t noticed dropped calls or battery drain at all on the i4 though. So that has been my hesitation to jailbreak this phone.

  19. Daffyd K Jones Says:

    Plotkin – jailbreaking in and of itself does not drain battery life. It’s only if you install theming apps such as Winterboard, or processed that run all the time such as Backgrounder, that you will kill your battery life.

    I’ve jailbroken my shiny new iPhone 4, mainly in order to get custom sms tones and SBSettings – my battery life is the same as it was before jailbreaking – if anything a little higher as it is so much easier to disable 3G/WiFi when I don’t need them, without having to trawl through submenus.

    Dropped calls won’t be affected by jailbreaking at all – the phone subsystem isn’t affected by jailbreaking.

    If you’re worried, just make a backup of your phone, then jailbreak and try it for yourself. If you don’t like it, just to a factory restore and then restore your backup data.

  20. Anonymous Says:

    Who gives a fuck dumbass??

  21. Ahmad Says:


  22. ruthbuilt Says:

    Hey- Is there an add on for ABRecent Cleanup in SB Settings? I LOVED that thing on my 3GS but now I have the 4 and boss prefs doesnt even work anymore? Any ideas what’s wrong? Is BossPrefs completely phased out or did I screw up the jailbreak somehow??? used GreenpoisOn.

  23. Deemaster Says:

    My iPhone 4 shsh saved is 4.1,4.2 is that good or bad?

  24. Wendy Says:

    What is shsh? If I have the line ‘SHSH: iOS 4.1, 4.2b3′ at top of cydia, does that mean I have SHSH stored? Iphone newbie.

  25. Syul Says:

    Same here!

  26. Ricky Says:

    How can I jailbreak my iPhone from 4.1 Iphone 3gs

  27. ruthbuilt Says:

    Hey- Is there an add on for ABRecent Cleanup in SB Settings? It was previously in BossPrefs. I LOVED that thing on my 3GS but now I have the 4 and boss prefs doesnt even work anymore? Any ideas what’s wrong? Is BossPrefs completely phased out or did I screw up the jailbreak somehow??? used GreenpoisOn. Or is there a similar add on in SBSettings that I don’t know about?? I HATE that Apple doesnt give you a way to STOP AUTOFILLING when i start to type in an email address. ABRecent cleanup did that so well for me on my 3gs. HELP!!

  28. Anonymous Says:

    Videos mix bajar

  29. Anonymous Says:

    Use limera1n better

  30. Anonymous Says:

    I felt the same way,decided to go for it.I used greenpoisOn, took less than 5 min.,worked the 1ST time. Once your in Cydia,tap the make my life easier,that will save shsh to 4.1, so if I upgrade to 4.2,or decide to restore,you’ll go back to 4.1 version.I love the jailbreak,so many options. the piece of mind to upgrade, go back to 4.1, or restore.

  31. Abdoo Says:


  32. Hankster Says:

    Mywi for wifi tethering, my3g for facetime on the road, cool new themes changing sound scheme unlimvideos for watching new movies on ur phone free tv programing etc. It is great out the box but jb’in it makes it that much better:)

  33. Superkazi Says:

    Is it at all possible to jailbreak iPhone 3gs running ios4.1?

  34. J0rge Says:

    you seem to be knowledgable here. So I think you can clear this up for me. I thought the dev team already had a jailbreak/unlock that they said would work on once 4.2 came out. the Shatter exploit. I thought that was why they saved it and didn’t release it was so that it could be used for the new FW.

  35. Norfolknway Says:

    Noon question, but, how does one take advantage of the SHSH filed by Cydia? How do I ‘get’ it and use it to downgrade?

  36. Norfolknway Says:


  37. thevmax Says:

    I am currently using an IPhone 4 running IOS 4.1 with baseband 02.10.04 and I have the Windows 7 Mobile theme which is great. However, not all functionality is there and I believe this is due to the repository having a misspelled naming convention. I do get errors when trying to install it and the repo name is :

    as you can see windows is not spelled correctly. So I’m wondering if this is the problem or if some IOS 4 stuff hasn’t been ported over yet?

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