Brightness Switcher – add a Brightness Slider to the Switcher
Author: Yllier // Category: Apps, Jailbreak, News
Make the Switcher complete!
Brightness Switcher either replaces the Volume Slider in the Switcher with a Brightness Slider or adds a Brightness Slider.
Apple added a Volume Slider to the Switcher in iOS 4.2. But your devices have already hardware volume buttons. So why not use the space for something more reasonable? That’s what Brightness Switcher does.
You’ll find settings in the Preferences.app.
Brightness Switcher is available in the CydiaStore.
BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee
November 29th, 2010 at 2:46 pm
On my iPhone the Brightness Swither REPLACED the Volume Slider. What am I supposed to do to simply ADD it?
November 29th, 2010 at 9:46 pm
That’s what it’s supposed to do! If you want both to be there, you have to go into your iPhone settings and change it.
November 30th, 2010 at 6:37 pm
Awesome!! If someone makes a tweak to add that SbSettings toogles (Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth) to the app Switcher it would be great!! There is anything tha does such thing?
December 1st, 2010 at 2:14 pm
ScrollingBoard kinda lets you do that.. but it puts the toggles and such in the Dock instead of the Switcher I think.
December 1st, 2010 at 11:41 pm
Yeah, I know, I have this one. But I didn’t like the toogles on the dock, I prefer them on the AppSwticher, after the music controls and volume/brigthness slider, it is not possible yet… :/
December 18th, 2010 at 2:47 am
Hey I just found it!! Its called SBSwitcher, and it adds the SBSettings toggles to the AppSwitcher! Its amazing, love it!
February 8th, 2011 at 3:56 am
Well, it is not that handy as advertised. The slider does not remember the setting after putting the iphone to sleep and turning back on. It is really annoying if you are in a dark room and you always have to reset the brightness! Is there any alternative that actually remembers the brightness setting (like that official slider in the settings menu?)