Developer Offer

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Repository

To all application developers that host with me. If you would like to use this web site to announce and discuss your app, its updates, and changelogs, get feedback from users via comments, contact me and I’ll give you the ability to do so. Many of you have requested for me to announce your apps, and I just don’t have the time to do this for everyone so I figure why not let you do it yourselves :)

BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee


4 Responses to “Developer Offer”

  1. HandyRandy Says:

    you are very generous today!

  2. Asa Says:

    What do u mean? Bigboss is generous everyday!

  3. BigBoss Says:

    Anytime my laziness is perceived as generosity means I’m doing something right :)

  4. dbb Says:

    With all of the free apps etc that BigBoss provides for the jailbreaking community, he is always generous! :D

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