Live Repository Webapps Working Again

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: News, Repository

I finally got the repository web apps working again. Remember that with these apps you can view everything in my Cydia repository without actually having Cydia open. You can see what’s new using the New Apps link, and you can see entire listing with the Hosting / Repository link (almost at 500 packages yay).

These are web apps. They are automatically updated everytime a new package is added to or updated in the repository. You can view the descriptions and more info pages as well. You can browse screenshots of apps and themes just like you’re in Cydia.

As always, the links are on the left margin of the page. I generally update the repository every day so check back often.

BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee

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3 Responses to “Live Repository Webapps Working Again”

  1. Jessev Says:

    The first link only shows me the top 3 and a half. its cut off in the middle of “libplatinum” and there’s no way to scroll

  2. BigBoss Says:

    Are you using internet explorer or something with Javascript disabled?

  3. SHEDOXcore Says:

    after installing, in toggels i dont have any options of ssh and such.
    tried to reinstall and didnt help..

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