Quick Poll

Author: jkazua  //  Category: News

Do you have an iphone and an ipad?

  • Yes (59%, 509 Votes)
  • No (41%, 361 Votes)

Total Voters: 870

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BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee

17 Responses to “Quick Poll”

  1. SquareWheel Says:

    You’re honestly telling me 75% of people have both an iPhone and iPad? I suspect people are reading this questions as an “or”, not “and”.

  2. iEr Says:

    Nearly all people I know who own an iPhone have an iPad… so 71% is realistic IMHO…

  3. shralper Says:

    I would say as lifelong Apple user that nearly ALL Apple consumers will own every Apple device including but not limited to iPad,iPhone, and a Macbook.

  4. BigBoss Says:

    I must admit I’m also surprised by the result. Makes the poll fun :)

  5. cheme75 Says:

    not surprised – apple owners tend to get sucked in by their marketing and apple knows it, they “drink the kool-aid” apple dishes out… apple wouldn’t be nearly as successful if it were simply a matter of product functionality. apple tells them what they can do, how they can do it and offers no alternatives and their followers buy into it. lemmings!

    as for the ipad – nice screen… but really not sure what the hype is about… glorified e-readers and game devices – no more portable than my netbook and does far less… please explain what a tablet does that my netbook or notebook can’t do, other than play games with my finger???

  6. Smailpouri Says:

    Yes, That is what I read too in the beginning. :-/

  7. Smailpouri Says:

    Yep. That’s what I read too, but your comment maid me reread it.

  8. sysrage Says:

    Quite a few haters. I’m far from an Apple fanboy. For a very long time I thought the iPad was worthless and I had no need for it. The wife decided she wanted one and I love it. My iPhone is still the device I use constantly, but the iPad is awesome for the vast majority of tasks we do at home. Being able to read the news, play games, read books, and casually surf the web from the couch without having a big laptop out is extremely convenient. Not to mention Netflix, Time Warner, and other TV/movie streaming wherever we are. The form factor really is nice. It’s a far more social device. You can easily pass it back and forth to show a webpage, game, picture, movie, etc. No, it’s not a laptop replacement, but it definitely changes the way you do things in a positive manner.

  9. SentineL_VDX Says:

    Doh! Yes, must admit I read it fast and answer it wrong.
    I won’t by a big iPod :-P I’m fine with my iPhone hehe

  10. jo7n Says:

    What if somebody has an iPad but not an iPhone? ..nah, that’s totally crazy right?

    …wrong! my mother owns an iPad but her phone is some Nokia thing she paid like £30 for o__O

  11. BUGABOO Says:

    230 people who voted here have both an iPhone and an iPad!? O.o

  12. ACK! Says:

    Things the iPad does better than a laptop:
    – surf the web (no Flash is a real plus!)
    – play a game with the significant other
    – look up IMDB while watching a movie
    – checking social media
    – weather, directions, stocks, etc.
    – look at a magazine
    – cruising YouTube videos

    Things a laptop does better than the iPad:
    – run apps
    – view Flash websites
    – streaming NetFlix
    – email

    It’s not the Cult of Mac, Mac creates consistent user experience across their product lines. You can pick up any of their devices and within 2 minutes feel like you’ve used it all your life … and that is pure genius.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    Just like what Steve Jobs said. Not an iPod, not a laptop, in between. But not a netbook.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    second that. Keep thinking iphone is for man, ipad is for lady

  15. Anonymous Says:

    You forgot PORN… Notebooks do this SO much better… And they stopped calling them “lap tops” in the early 2000s… Probably explains why you didn’t include the porn in your CPU pros lol

  16. sally Says:

    nice job.keeping.

  17. Vh Says:


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