Updates to SpringSorter, SnapTap, SBSchedule and SBSettings toggles…
Author: openhebrew // Category: Apps
I’m glad to announce the recent updates of most of my software for the iPhone OS:
SBSchedule allows you to make profiles according to SBSettings toggles and activate them at given times or on the fly (via a configurable shortcut). With the latest update you can also set your device’s backlight as well as the different toggles. With SBSchedule you can auto-mute your phone at nights, disable battery hogging features like push mail/notifications at given times or set your screen brightness according to time of day.
SpringSorter allows you to sort your SpringBoard icons according to how much you use the different apps. It studies how much you use them and allows you to configure which springboard pages to sort, which to protect, and if to sort the icons globally or per page. The new update fixes the holes which were caused by using libhide, fixes the support for 3.1 spotlight and improves performance. It can even lock SpringBoard icons in order to prevent accidental movement.
SnapTap allows you to take pictures and videos using the device’s volume buttons or using the wired headset buttons (works with the builtin camera app, but with many appstore ones as well). The latest updates add a settings pane, optional to mute the shutter sound and fixes compatibility with 3rd party jailbreak apps such as Snappy and Volume Button Extender.
I’ve also released a few new SBSettings toggles which add new functionality or rewritten existing ones:
Ringer/Silent replaces the ringer switch functionality, and allows you to put your device to silent mode from anywhere. Works great also if you have a defective ringer switch or if you want to set your device to auto go to silent at different times with SBSchedule (like at night times).
Push Notifications allows you to set your device’s push notification to on/off at ease. Rewritten from scratch, works the same way that settings.app does and does not mess with any daemons.
Push Mail allows you to set your device’s push mail to on/off at ease. Rewritten from scratch, works the same way that settings.app does.
Also don’t forget some my other apps:
MultiExchange allows you to easily add multiple Exchange accounts on your device.
SMS Helper allows you to keep track of the message length and how many SMS you send per month.
TimeKeeper allows you to figure out how much the current displayed app is being used (via a configurable shortcut).
VoiceMailBlock allows you to temporary disable the call to VoiceMail functionality via the MobilePhone app (also has an SBSettings toggle).
PushSoundBlock allows you to temporary mute all the apps push notification sounds (also has an SBSettings toggle).
SpringLocker allows you to temporary lock your SpringBoard icons in order to prevent accidental movement (also has an SBSettings toggle).
OpenHebrew2 & OpenHebrew3 an quality, free implmentation of hebrew and RTL support for iPhoneOS 2 and 3.
BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee
March 23rd, 2010 at 6:45 am
I can’t believe you get a feature on this site when you personally go on other sites and put down other developer’s software. As a non-developer, I feel that is the ultimate disrespect to another developer, but I don’t know. Anyone who reads this should not support openhebrew. If you want proof, I will provide it as long as such things are not already deleted from the sites I have witnessed this happen.
March 23rd, 2010 at 9:44 am
I don’t use openhebrew’s apps, but I honestly don’t understand what Jonathan Kane means by his remark
March 23rd, 2010 at 10:51 am
I never met anyone who uses Openhebrews. Why would you need that ???
March 23rd, 2010 at 12:28 pm
A toggle I’d really like to see is for enabling/disabling text message alerts. Combined with SbSchedule, I’d no longer have to manually enable/disable it every morning/evening. I get SMS pages from our alerting system, and don’t want them to wake me up. But I can’t completely mute the phone, as if something’s broken enough for somebody to call me I need to answer it.
Any chance you might make a toggle for SMS alert sounds?
March 24th, 2010 at 4:10 am
me too, i don’t understand what Johnathan Kane wanted to say.
Anyway, the official Hebrew support as is, is very very primitive and mostly inconvenient to use!
OpenHebrew helps a lot with this and is a great add-on.
I recommend it very much. Anyone who needs Hebrew support should use it, if he wants to enjoy Hebrew support.
March 25th, 2010 at 5:54 am
App request!!! sort of related
Is it possible to create an app or hidden app that I can configure to turn toggles on and off based upon apps….
What I mean is if I open safari is there a way to have my wifi turned on every time safari opens then once safari closes the wifi turns off… or If I open up navigon or XGPS have my gps toggle turned on then once I close navigon or XGPS the gps toggle automaticalyl turns off all this to save battery and a few steps from sb setttings…..
March 26th, 2010 at 11:45 pm
Good app request, Jim! I’d like an app like that too particularly for gps “location services”.
March 27th, 2010 at 6:40 am
Any updates to lockdown? It crashes all the time on 3.1.2
March 28th, 2010 at 4:27 pm
This is a duplicate post — sorry. I mistakenly posted also under http://thebigboss.org/2008/10/28/sbsettings-v092-out/ , but this seems like the better place.
Today there were three or four updates in Cydia, Activator, Circuitous, SBSettings, and
one other thing, I think. Did the install, and got this message on SBSettings: “/var/cache/.
. . trying to overwrite /var/mobile/. . ./off.png” Tried to uninstall both SBSettings and SBSettingsToggles,
rebooted, and tried to install SBSettings again, only to get same message. Even tried deleting
the off.png file, but same thing.
Any ideas what’s causing this, but more importanly how to fix so I can reinstall SBSettings
without having to restore?
April 14th, 2011 at 7:01 pm
I’m not easily irpmessed. . . but that’s impressing me! :)