FW 2.2 Rumors, iTunes 8.0.2

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak

So iTunes 8.0.2 is out and FW 2.2 is out. This is a reminder: DO NOT UPGRADE YET.

FW 2.1 is very stable. Hold off until a jailbreak is ready. It should not be too long of a wait. Also, if you are doing any unlocking, you definitely need to hold off on the upgrade because your baseband may be upgraded to a version that cannot be unlocked. 3g SIM adapters may stop working as well. In general, do not upgrade yet! I will update the site with news when it’s a good time to upgrade.

Also, iTunes 8.0.2 is out now. I doubt this will make much difference either way, but ask yourself, why bother. Just because a new version is out doesn’t mean you want it. I would hold off on this also.

BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee

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24 Responses to “FW 2.2 Rumors, iTunes 8.0.2”

  1. Tom Says:

    2.2 IS OUT !!!!

  2. mk321024* Says:

    i got it lol

  3. asa Says:

    So how is it?

  4. marijuana monk Says:

    2.2 is tempting, but i will have to pass and wait for the jailbreak!!! RASTAFARI one luv big boss

  5. creative Says:

    i did update accidentally, in the early morning, my phone is dead :D anyone know how can i downgrade?

  6. bclead Says:

    I also updated to 2.2 and tried to downgrade. Both times it failed. Now I am stuck with 2.2. When do you think Pwnge and Quickpwn will be available for 2.2?

  7. MoD Says:

    ppl never learn……

  8. z0mbie Says:


  9. slthom Says:

    Cracks me up everytime!

    “Oh, I did it accidentally. Plz help me now!”


  10. creative Says:

    there must be a solution for downgrade…

  11. mark Says:

    Yeah, the solution is you WAIT until the new jailbreak programs come out. Same solution that it has been for over a year now…

  12. mk321024* Says:


  13. bclead Says:

    I HAVE iTunes 8.0.1 on my computer, I had not upgraded!

  14. bclead Says:

    You’re right….I did it without thinking…….

  15. bclead Says:

    You are right….I was stupid… but now I am stuck and don’t quite know what to do?!

  16. muffinmuncher Says:

    i also upgraded 2.2 as i wanted to! dunno why!!!
    but i manage to get back 2.1 (jailbroken) with quickpwn by choosing the 2.1 file. only problem i got now is my network is locked! so back to 2.2 for me, then wait for a jailbreak…

  17. creative Says:

    muffinmuncher pls send me an email on how did u manage to get back to 2.1 … i can’t get it… there’s my e-mail address: alex_kizzz@yahoo.com

  18. Plotkin Says:


  19. Jay Says:

    I wonder how long it will take for a jailbreak to be out? Does anyone remember how long it took last time around?

  20. james Says:

    anyone knows if I can jailbreak a 3G phone that is still on 2.1 and itunes My wife reinstalled her itunes last week on a new computer. i had the previous version of itunes and did not have any problems but not sure about this version. Thanks and I will not be upgrading any times soon to the newer versions.

  21. Jay Says:

    Yes it will work fine. Just use quickpwn!

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