A few days ago a major update of Firewall iP has been released. New features are:
- WhoIs: when FiP’s main popup appears you’ll see that the hostname is now in a button. when you tap the button a new view will appear containing the the whoIs-info for the domain/IP (if available)
Now you’ll always know who the host belongs to, even if “only” the IP is shown in the popup.

- allow/deny connection for this session (the connection is allowed/denied till you exit the app)
A feature requested by many. So you don’t have to tap allow once too often ;)
- log (can be enabled in the info view; the (i) button on the main screen)
- a second theme for the popup (can be changed in the info view)
- if you are in a host view (any allow/deny table) you can now edit the hostnames if you put the table into edit mode (simply tab on the hostname in edit mode).
- manually add hostnames to allow/deny for an app
- the allow/deny for an app now supports also the *host.com notation (like global allow/deny). meaning that if you change a hostname to *hostname.com the host and all subdomains will be affected. if you use *.hostname.com only subdomains will be affected).
I hope you’ll like the new features. More will be coming next year. And I’ve started to work on intercepting incoming connections.
If you have any feature requests send an email to yllierdev (at) gmail.com
BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee
Tags: cydia, CydiaStore, firewall, iP, Yllier
December 22nd, 2009 at 12:40 pm
Thanks for your work.
Unfortunately I’ve encountered a serious bug when testing version 1.2: when clicking on “always deny” button in a popup, the rule is actually saved into plist file under “Preference” folder, however, this rule can’t be displayed in firewall interface. – -
December 22nd, 2009 at 1:00 pm
can you please explain some more. which plist file? rules are saved in a plist file in preference, but how is it called?
December 22nd, 2009 at 1:56 pm
Of course:
Let’s take example, assuming there is a program called “abc”, and the Firewall IP rules are blank.
When abc attempts to access network, ex:, FiP popup will show up.
Here if I click on “always deny”, or “always accept”, FiP should add a detailed rule for the program “abc”, specifying the address, right?
The fact is that, this detailed rule will be actually added and stored into file “/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.Yllier.FirewallRules.plist”, but when I enter the FiP interface and click on program abc then click on detailed rules, this rule will not show up.
It seems that, all detailed rules automatically added by clicking on “always deny” and “always accept” won’t be displayed in FiP
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I did test several times including reinitiate all rules, the bug still persist.
Hope it would help.
December 22nd, 2009 at 2:00 pm
PS: these invisible detailed rules still effective, there are just invisible. –
December 22nd, 2009 at 2:14 pm
ok. I’ll get onto it right now. thanks for the notification
December 22nd, 2009 at 2:33 pm
ok, fixed. sorry for that. I’ll make some slight changes to some other things and release it in 24-48 hours. I hope that’s ok.
December 22nd, 2009 at 2:59 pm
ok, fixed. sorry for that. I’ll make some slight changes to some other things and release it in 24-48 hours. I hope that’s ok.
December 22nd, 2009 at 11:35 pm
That’s great!
Glad to help
December 24th, 2009 at 12:40 am
One feature I’d like to see is the option to ‘Global Allow’ or ‘Global Deny’ URLs as they come up instead of having to go into the app to do that. A default list of web ads for ‘Global Deny’ would be nice too such as admob and doubleclick.
Still a really good app though!
December 24th, 2009 at 12:40 pm
I have placed *pinchmedia.com in the global deny list
but I still see the dialog pop up in some apps that ask me what I want to do with such connection.
and I also have a problem with free wifi connection which redirect all connections to another page which the iphone will check if it is able to connect to apple.com or not
each time Firewall IP ask me if I want to allow apple.com even I have clicked allow all connecitons or always allow
January 4th, 2010 at 4:38 am
My edge usage is skyrocketting even with edge turned off so I installed this app and turned off all connectivity to all apps to see if it helped, it didnt, I went up another 7 hours today of edge usage even though 2 apps (sb settings and firewall) are supposed to be blocking it. Im not even using the iphone for internet or barely for anything at all! Driving me nuts, not sure what this is supposed to block but it does not block the background edge leakage that plagues so many people, it simply keeps you from opening and using apps directly that need an internet connection.
January 9th, 2010 at 11:14 pm
Hi – I have had firewall installed on my jailbroken iphone, but with the new version of firewall, and the latest version of skype, skype will not connect through firewall, even though connect all is on. As soon as I uninstall firewall skype will connect. Fring gets through firewall, but its voice quality is awful. So – I want to use firewall, and I want to use skype.
Adding to the oddity of this, firewall only seems to be blocking skype at my bush house which has adsl. However, that’s exactly where I want to use it!
I have tried uninstalling and re-installing firewall but it gives precisely the same behaviour. Uninstalling and reinstalling Skype does not help.
Any clues how to get over this?
All the best,
January 10th, 2010 at 5:47 am
Actually – I have just realised that when I uninstall Firewall it leaves the /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.Yllier.FirewallRules.plist
in the iphone. I have just removed these and reinstalled Firewall. THis should at least enable me to reset the da.. thing. Will report if this DOESNT work.
January 13th, 2010 at 3:24 am
Hi, I hv installed the firewall ip into my jailbreak iPhone 3gs, but it seems nothing is working. Firewall does not block any outgoing connections. Need it help to get this working.
January 14th, 2010 at 10:29 am
I want bloutooth
January 21st, 2010 at 2:44 am
Hi Yiller,
sorry to trouble you. I purchased firewall ip 2 wks ago n my firewall ip hav been workin fine till recently, i was unable to access most app(safari, mail, etc) except for cydia and rock. I tried allowing all connections but dun seem to wrk untill i uninstalled. I reinstalled but only to find the same prob. Tried rebooting after uninstall then install but same problem is occuring. Any suggestions? Im on 3gs 3.1.2.