5.1.1b for iPhone 4 GSM

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak

Edit: absinthe is updated to handle 5.1.1b now so this should no longer be an issue.

Today Apple released 5.1.1b for iPhone 4 GSM devices. If you manage to install this firmware you won’t be able to have an untethered jailbreak until a new version of the Absinthe 2.0 payload for this firmware can be produced. This will probably be sorted out in a few hours but you should all be aware in case you have an iphone 4 GSM (AT&T, for example) and have an issue. Apple did not patch the jailbreak and probably released this without being aware of the jailbreak. But a slightly different payload is required for it to work correctly with Absinthe v2.

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Absinthe 2.0 – untethered jailbreak for 5.1.1

Author: Optimo  //  Category: General, Jailbreak, News

Absinthe 2.0 brings us a new untethered jailbreak method for all eligibile devices on firmware 5.1.1. This release is a great collaboration between jailbreak teams and represents countless hours of work. The process requires your PC or Mac to connect your device and perform the jailbreak after updating your device to iOS 5.1.1. Remember to [...]

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5.1.1 Jailbreak Soon

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak

Here is an update status from Musclenerd regarding the upcoming untethered jailbreak:
* All info below is tentative and subject to last minute refinements

* @pod2g’s 5.1.1 jailbreak+untether is working out great. All devices are covered except for AppleTV3,1, which currently has no path for jailbreaking.
– the initial 5.1.1 plan used a kernel exploit from @westbaer which unfortunately precluded use in iPod3,1 (latest ipod touch) and iPhone2,1 (iPhone 3gs)
– @planetbeing stepped up and provided a kernel exploit that covers both of those. Those two JBers are the bomb!

* The 5.1.1 A5 JB is very similar to the A5 5.0.1 JB. @pimskeks has done a tremendous job supporting both 5.0.1 and 5.1.1 in absinthe

* Similar to 5.0.1, there will also be a 5.1.1 CLI “cinject” binary and redsn0w version of the 5.1.1 JB+untether. Absinthe, cinject, and redsn0w will all provide the same JB in different fashions.

– timing is indeterminate. Plans are for this week, but a number of factors can influence that.

* For those wishing to donate, we’ve set up a new 5.1.1 paypal URL: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4U6DQGJ2NRVUN

* Please don’t pirate AppStore apps (seriously, please do not).

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Reveal – No more shortened notifications!

Author: Joshua Tucker  //  Category: News

Reveal allows you to view more content in notifications. Scroll horizontally on banners to see more of the message. On the lock screen, scroll vertically on notification bubbles and tap table cells to expand them.

Here’s the recap:

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Quasar: a window manager for iPad

Author: pH  //  Category: Apps, News

I’ve been developing a new tweak for iPads called Quasar. Quasar is a tweak that allows you to run your apps in windows in your iPad. Just like in a window-based operating system, you can click resize, move, close or full-screen windows. Quasar is available in Cydia Store for US$9.99. Screenshots:  !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:'https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+’://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, ‘script’, ‘twitter-wjs’);lang: [...]

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iMatte v5 HD – The apotheose

Author: myiCommunity  //  Category: News

iMatte v5 HD will certainly be a theme remembered for a long time. There is 5 months in the making (full-time work, I’m dedicated 100% to this, that is making the theme and supporting it).

How can I describe iMatte without having you read this for half an hour? Impossible, so I’ll do my best!

If you enjoy and use iMatte, you can offer me a little coffee in order to keep me motivated to pursue my work! (If you don’t live in Sherbrooke, QC area, a little donation will do the same ;))

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biteSMS Release 6.2 out now….

Author: biteSMS  //  Category: News

FINALLY! Added Camera and Photo icon (via biteSMS pop-up menu) so you can easily send photo’s in Quick Compose and Quick Reply. Added an ‘Opt Out’ of a conversation feature. Ideal for spam or group messages or even keeping a ‘quiet’ conversation. Long holding on a conversation toggles notification alerts on or off. Added a [...]

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Do Not Update to 5.1

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak

Apple has released 5.1. This is either being pushed out now or will be shortly. This has some bigger-than-normal impacts for jailbreakers. Please read this carefully.

There is no untethered jailbreak for 5.1. Do not update to it. You will lose your jailbreak, cydia, and all your tweaks..

Absolutely, do not use the onboard iphone software update to update your device. This will most likely render your device unbootable and you will be forced to restore to 5.1.

1) If you are on an iphone 4s or iPad 2, updating to 5.1 is one-way. (This may also be the case for iphone 4 users). You cannot revert back. If you try 5.1 you will be stuck there forever. You will not be able to jailbreak until a new jailbreak is released.

2) If you are on an iPhone 4 or ipad 1 or similar device, you will be able to jailbreak tethered, then install semitether to get a semitethered jailbreak. In short, this will be jailbroken but when you reboot, you will lose your jailbreak until you get back to your computer and rerun redsn0w.

3) If you are on an old 3gs, like always, you can jailbreak untethered.

Finally, some other issues to be concerned with. If you install something in cydia that causes your device to not boot, you have to restore, you will be stuck updating to 5.1. Therefore, I suggest you get SSH installed and learn how to use it. If your device is in an unbootable state, you can fix it via SSH. With SSH installed, you can get further help in our irc channel (irc.thebigboss.org, #ios).

Troubleshooting your device without restore:
If you encounter issues on your device like things are not running stably or such, rather than restoring, try to debug the issue. Here are my suggestions:
1) In cydia uninstall mobile substrate. This will remove many things. Allow that. Reboot the device.
2) After this, test the device. Is it stable? If so, move to step 3.
3) Reinstall one tweak of your choice. Only one. This will reinstall mobile substrate as well.
4) Test with just that one tweak until you’re satisfied your device is stable.
5) Repeat steps 3 & 4 with one tweak at a time until you find one that makes the device unstable. Remove that one only and continue on.

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New: RingerX VIP – advanced ringing and silence features

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Apps, News

- A new tweak is now available in the CydiaStore: RingerX VIP RingerX VIP offers you many outstanding options to configure the ring and vibrate behaviour for calls and messages (SMS, MMS, iMessage). It contains an Activator-enabled Temporary Mute feature which allows you to mute your iPhone for a defined period of time after which [...]

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SBSettings CMDA (Verizon/Sprint) 5.0.1

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: News

For users having no service after using sbsettings on your 5.x CDMA device, it is not caused by sbsettings but instead by the 3g toggle.

To fix it:
1) Disable the 3g toggle in the more app (don’t use it)
2) go to settings, general, reset, and reset your network settings.
3) Reboot.

I am pushing a new sbsettings with a 3g toggle that should detect and not run on CDMA. I don’t have a 4s on CDMA so I can only test my iphone 4 Verizon which it seems to work ok there.

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iphone 4s ipad 2 jailbreak untethered 5.0.1

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

Note: The greenpois0n website is too busy and down at the time of this writing. Wait and be patient.

Today, Chronic dev released Greenpois0n for your A5 devices (iPhone 4s and ipad 2). You can now do an untethered jailbreak on these devices assuming you are running either 5.0 or 5.0.1. If you are not running those FW versions, get onto one ASAP before Apple closes the update window and releases 5.1. As soon as Apple releases 5.1, you can expect that you cannot restore 5.0.1 again and unless you’re already on 5.0.1 you will be unable to jailbreak.

To jailbreak, just download the jailbreak app from greenpois0n web site (called “absinthe”), and run it. At the moment it is released only for OSX (Mac) but will soon have a windows version followed later today.

A short word on how the JB will work. You will attach your device to your mac, run the app, and wait. When it tells you to do something on your device, you can disconnect it and go run the web link “absinthe”. This will attempt to contact the greenpois0n web site and finish the jailbreak. The jailbreak will be completed when the device resprings and you find cydia. If the greenpois0n web site is down when you try to run the icon on the device, instead you can go to settings, vpn, and click “on”. The error “A configuration error occurred” should appear, shortly after the device should respring jailbroken.

Note: for those having problems, these steps worked for me on my “stubborn” device:
1) After the JB fails to do anything, reboot the iphone
2) Close absinthe on your mac
3) Rerun absinthe and it should detect the device and say that it noticed a jailbreak attempt failed and say it has “recovered”.
4) Reboot the device again, and close absinthe again
5) Rerun the jailbreak tool, it will rerun as it did in the first place.
6) After it’s done and says to tap the “jailbreak icon” do not do that! Instead go to your device, load settings, and click the “vpn” setting to “on”. Wait. The device should pop up and error and then respring about 30 seconds after the error.
7) If the device never resprings in step 6, repeat the steps above again until it works.

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FullScreen for iPad – finally ready for iOS5

Author: Yllier  //  Category: News

FullScreen for iPad – the popular tweak which not only offers a full screen mode for safari but also adds new gestures – is finally ready for iOS5.

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5.1 on horizon. All 4s owners get to 5.0.1 asap

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: News

Apple is due to release 5.1 soon. When that happens, they will stop signing 5.0.1. This means you will only be able to restore to 5.1. 5.1 breaks the upcoming jailbreak. If you are currently a 4s owner or an ipad 2 owner, you will want to get your device to 5.0.1 ASAP. This way [...]

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Music Controls Pro v1.1.1 – even better(er)!

Author: phoenix3200  //  Category: Apps, News

Music Controls Pro just got another update, and with it, I’m pushing the reset buttons on the five-day trials! So come back and see what’s new!

So what is new?

  • AVRCP v1.3 integration. Track info from third-party apps can finally be shown on compatible Bluetooth displays!
  • Notification Center plugin for Controls. This shows you your track info, including artwork. Swipe control integration makes it slim and compact, or, you can select a larger format from settings.
  • Notification Center plugin for Volume/Brightness. This control offers a switchable slider, as well as a button for quickly changing your output source.
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UnlimTones Now with Cloud Support!

Author: eni9889  //  Category: Apps, News

I know many of you love your ringtones but with the current way the ringtones on the iPhone work, when downloading any third party tones directly onto your phone you have to redownload those tones if you ever need to restore your device and as jailbreakers this happens often. To fix this UnlimTones now has [...]

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