I know this has been something asked about for some time, especially for those moving over from android to iphone. That is Swype for iPhone, previously only available to those of us with jailbroken phones using a third party app available in cydia.
For those unfamiliar with Swype it’s a gesture and predictive based keyboard. It works from you sliding your finger across the keyboard from the first letter to the last letter of a word as you only lift your finger between words.
With the release of iOS 8 you finally get what’s been asked for and that is Swype for iphone, and it is available in the app store. Now granted you must pay .99 for it and pay for any additional themes but at least customization is possible.

Currently it has a 3 star rating so I suggest double checking the reviews for the current version. I downloaded it and I think it works how it should on my iPhone 5s and 6 standard. It didn’t have quite a few of the words I needed but to be fair I never used it before and prefer the standard way so I primarily looked for bugginess. None the less if you are an android transfer who is missing your Swype feature you have it back so go get it and enjoy your iPhone that much more.
Get Swype for iPhone now through the app store click here
BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory LeeTags: Apps, ios 8, ios app, iphone news, Swype