myiCommunity // Category:
iMatte v5 HD will certainly be a theme remembered for a long time. There is 5 months in the making (full-time work, I’m dedicated 100% to this, that is making the theme and supporting it).
How can I describe iMatte without having you read this for half an hour? Impossible, so I’ll do my best!
If you enjoy and use iMatte, you can offer me a little coffee in order to keep me motivated to pursue my work! (If you don’t live in Sherbrooke, QC area, a little donation will do the same ;))
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Yllier // Category:
Firewall iP, the first and only Firewall for the iPhone, got an update to 1.39 The changes are all in the background, but massive. It improves stability, memory usage and speed. The beta testers are all impressed how quick it is now, and you will be too. Changelog 1.39: – significantly improved speed – reduced memory ussage [...]
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Yllier // Category:
_ Firewall iP, the first and only Firewall for the iPhone, got a new update to 1.35. This update brings you new features along with some stability fixes. Firewall iP is the only security app of it’s kind and offers many advance features like getting WhoIs-informations about the host. Block outgoing TCP & UDP connections selectively Shows you [...]
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Yllier // Category:
Firewall iP, the first and only Firewall for the iPhone, got a new update to 1.30. This update brings you new features along with some stability fixes. Firewall iP is the only security app of it’s kind and offers many advance features like getting WhoIs-informations about the host. Block outgoing TCP & UDP connections selectively [...]
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Yllier // Category:
Decide yourself, Security for your iPhone and iPod touch Firewall iP is now available on CydiaStore for only $1.99. Firewall iP allows you to block outgoing connections (TCP & UDP). It hooks into applications from AppStore and Cydia. Firewall iP will alert you if the app wants to establish a connection to a host and [...]
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Decide yourself, Security for your iPhone and iPod touch
Firewall iP is now available on CydiaStore for only $1.99.
Firewall iP allows you to block outgoing connections (TCP & UDP). It hooks into applications from AppStore and Cydia. Firewall iP will alert you if the app wants to establish a connection to a host and shows you the hostname. Then you have the options to allow/deny the connection once/always or allow/deny all connections for the application.
You can decide if the application will send data. Developers will no longer be able to collect stats about you (UDID, phone number, usage statistics…) or even collect personal data. With Firewall iP you can cover all app analytic providers which aren’t in PrivaCy and also custom analytics.
You can block some content too. Now you are the one who decides!
In the control app you can edit the rules for each 3rd party application as well as add new applications to the list. It also offers a switch to disable Firewall iP and a SBSettingsToggle for the same purpose.
Cydia itself is excluded for obvious reasons.
- Block outgoing TCP & UDP connections selectively
- Shows you the hostname for the connection
- Block analytic providers which PrivaCy can’t
- Block unneeded content
- Easy to use interface & control app
- Edit the rules you did set
- Add apps manually
- Low memory & CPU consumption
After installation and a respring it will start to monitor outgoing connections.
Detailed usage instructions by iClarified: how to use Firewall iP
