Review of BioBoot App|Tweak for iPhone

Author: KvX  //  Category: Apps, News, iPhone

Annoyed by having to put your passcode in when you restart your iPhone? Wish the Bio lock was enough? Then you are not alone. Personally its just a minor annoyance for me and one of those things I would rather not have to do as I prefer speed and efficiency. So with this minor annoyance [...]

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PhotoAlbums+ for iOS 7 upgrade – password protection and more for iOS Photos app

Author: iRealSMS dev  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

We just released the iOS 7 version of PhotoAlbums+ which enhances the stock Photos app on iPhones/iPod Touchs and iPads. First it allows you to actually move photos between albums instead of just creating copies. Then it adds much needed privacy. With PhotoAlbums+ a private albums tab is added to the Photos app which keeps [...]

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iOS 6: AdBlocker, Firewall iP and ScreenDimmer are ready

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Apps, Jailbreak, News

. . AdBlocker, Firewall iP and ScreenDimmer have been updated to support iOS 6. They also include  minor fixes and new features. Yllier’s other paid tweaks (FullScreen for Safari/iPad, RingerX VIP) will be updated for iOS 6 soon. If you don’t already know about these apps: AdBlocker AdBlocker is an easy to use and powerful [...]

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Masks for iPhone / iPod / iPad

Author: limneos  //  Category: News

New application for theming icons via masking. This tweak allows the user to choose an overlay icon , any icon, either pre-supplied or custom, and this is applied as a mask to all the SpringBoard icons and , optionally, the wallpaper in Choose from over 40 pre-made masks to match your preference! A new [...]

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AdBlocker for Safari & other browsers

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Apps, Jailbreak

AdBlocker is an easy to use and powerful tool, similar to extensions for your desktop browser. It blocks ads in Safari and other apps which are using browser-like views (UIWebViews). If an app is using UIWebViews to display content (other browsers like Skyfire, browser in a twitter client,…) AdBlocker will block ads from being loaded and tries to optimize the space.

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Upcoming CydiaStore Sale! Don’t miss it

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Apps

. A bunch of Apps/Tweaks by the developer Yllier will be on sale for 50% off Sale starts: 27th December GMT 1am Sale ends: 30th December GMT 1am FullScreen for Safari (for 4.x or 3.x) for just $ 0.99 FullScreen for Safari adds a FullScreen Mode to Safari. But not just that: It also makes [...]

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FolderCloser 1.1 – Support for iOS 4.1

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Jailbreak

The popular tweak FolderCloser has been updated to support iOS 4.1 FolderCloser is an install-and-forget plugin which closes Folders as soon as you launch your app. You’ll never have to manually close folders again when you switch back to SpringBoard. If you like FolderCloser, please consider supporting the dev by buing one of his awesome [...]

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SBRotator for iPhone’s SpringBoard

Author: limneos  //  Category: Apps

SBRotator is out! “SpringBoard Rotator” does what iPhone should be doing from the beginning! It rotates the whole SpringBoard according to your device’s orientation! You flip it to left or right, you get LandScape SpringBoard! The so-wanted addon is now available and compatible with most of the springboard-tweak applications, such as Infiniboard, Infinidock, Iconoclasm, [...]

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Infiniboard and Infinidock

Author: chpwn  //  Category: Apps

Take full control of your SpringBoard! Two tweaks from chpwn, the recently released Infiniboard and Infinidock, allow you to scroll your home screen in ways not seen since firmware 1.x — or ever before. Both are available in the Cydia Store now! Infiniboard lets you scroll each page on your home screen up and down, [...]

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