BossPaper v1.1 is released. The main addition is the ability to select whether or not you want BossPaper to be on top of or underneath your winterboard background.
BossPaper v1.0 overlays over winterboard. This means if you have a javascript date / time widget you want to run, you cant it will be covered up by bosspaper. This also has some benefits though for example, you can run a theme with one image and icons then use bosspaper to rotate backgrounds.
BossPaper v1.1 defaults to the same mode as BossPaper 1.0 where the wallpaper image is on top of winterboard. But it has a new switch called “Under Winterboard” where when “ON” the BossPaper wallpaper will be rendered underneath winterboard backgrounds. This lets you have a date / time widget or some other interesting javascript widget in winterboard while using bosspaper to rotate images. (Some theme makers have requested this).
I have explained this in the apps help and covered various scenarios. Those that understand winterboard really well can also make a transparent 320×480 png image and move it to the top of winterboard. Then put bosspaper below winterboard and winterboard will always show the blank wallpaper but behind that you’ll see bosspaper running. This would allow you to run themes that have both icons and backgrounds but have the background be ignored. I did not include a transparent 320×480 theme but I may release one as an addon if it is required and does not confuse people.
BigBoss Authors: Mark Bruce & Kory Lee
Tags: BossPaper
September 11th, 2009 at 6:25 am
after i updated my status bar is no longer transparent and i can see a lil piece over another icon in it the onlt thing i changed was updating boss paper. can anyone help me out please?
September 11th, 2009 at 6:56 am
Send me a screenshot please. Bosspaper doesnt touch the statusbar but I would still like to see it.
September 11th, 2009 at 7:18 am
what email can i send a screen shot to?
September 11th, 2009 at 7:20 am
it seems like my wallpapers used to extend throught the staus bar and the status bar be transparent but noe the wallpaper stops before the staus bar and u can see whats under it
September 11th, 2009 at 7:22 am
have a 3.0 3GS. when i updated to 1.1, my springboard icons have all disappeared. only thing visible is the status bar, springboard is black. SBsettings stills works.
dread having to restore to 3.1. help!
September 11th, 2009 at 7:26 am
fixed for now. managed to use SBsettings to disable the bosspaper mobile substrate add on. phew!
September 11th, 2009 at 7:32 am
confirm i too have the samething
September 11th, 2009 at 7:42 am
just before the pic. rotate the statu bar bright up than the pic. change. after the pic. change the statu bar go dark and than on and on
September 11th, 2009 at 7:51 am
Thanks a lot for this update. I am interested to know whether you plan to release also rotating Lockscreen as part of BossPaper?
Thank you.
September 11th, 2009 at 8:05 am
Hi I have the same issue, my wallpapers used to extend throught the staus bar, and I love it, as I use a transparent status bar, but now the wallpaper stops before the staus bar and u can see whats under it, and it looks a little weird, so, can you let me know how I can fix it or how i can return to the v1.0.
Thanks you.
September 11th, 2009 at 9:23 am
Same problen here, had to put Bosspaper on sbssettings dock to turn it off.
September 11th, 2009 at 9:31 am
I’m not able to create a completely transparent 320 by 480 png. The result is consistently a completely black or white png. I’m cuurently not able to use iphone browser so i’m forced to sync the “transparent” pic with itunes. Although the pic is transparent in my windows explorer the pic is either black or white on my iPhone. Can anyone help?
September 11th, 2009 at 9:47 am
I have the same problem. My backdrop only goes up as far as the status bar now. before it used to cover the whole screen. It looks really bad like this. How can i install the old version of bosspaper.
September 11th, 2009 at 9:50 am
I am still trying to decipher how to have it rotate thru a specific photo roll on my photo app. Is this possible?
September 11th, 2009 at 10:01 am
Would the status-bar which is no longer transparent be an issue if we had a 320*480 transparent png?
September 11th, 2009 at 12:44 pm
After updating to bosspaper 1.1 all of my icons disappeared. I had to disable bosspaper in the mobile substrate/addons pane in SBSettings. Had it running fine before update displaying HD images that were SSH’ed into Winterboard. Any advice?
September 11th, 2009 at 12:58 pm
After this update i cannot touch my springboard. I can see all my pictures scrolling in the background but i cannot touch any of my icons or scroll through my springboard. I can launch bosspaper through SB Settings and if I disable bosspaper all is fine again. I really like this app so any help on fixing this issue would be greatly appreciated. Or does anyone know how to install an earlier version of bosspaper. Thanks.
September 11th, 2009 at 1:41 pm
same here. wait for an update i’d say. 1.0 worked fine for me, 1.1 sent my springboard tits up.
September 11th, 2009 at 1:54 pm
same thing happened to me…i updated and my springboard disapeard..and freaked out thinking i had to restore..then i saw the quick fix on top…hope there’s a fix for this soon
September 11th, 2009 at 3:01 pm
im having the same issue, status bar is now black. No longer transparent as it was.
September 11th, 2009 at 3:30 pm
Edit. My springboard did not disappear, I can see the springboard. Just can’t do anything with it.
September 11th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
my springboard disappeared too, but locking and unlocking the phone solves that for me.
and the status bar is black for me, no longer transparent too.
September 11th, 2009 at 5:45 pm
Thanks for all your continued efforts and work on BossPaper. I believe this is the update that I was waiting for, however, I can not get it to work…yet. First, the instructions and examples that you say you place in help, are no where to be found. Nothing mentions the new option in any of the 3 sections of help. In fact it still states that widgets will be covered by BossPaper. Second, without the transparent wallpaper, I cannot test it to see if the middle layer will allow the clock/date widgets to show through. I am now looking at the springboard as three layers…1)icons/icon themes; 2) clock/calender/weather widgetss; 3) BossPaper
I believe we all need the transparent wallpaper to create layer 2. I do not have photo shop so cannot create it.
That is my update to version 1.1 so far…please keep up the great work, it is getting there!!!
September 11th, 2009 at 5:51 pm
Sadly, I get the same problem as other 3GS owners on here, only leaving me with the option to disable bossprefs via SBSettings.
Will be waiting out for a fix =)
September 11th, 2009 at 6:54 pm
Sorry everyone, I cant reproduce any issue with blank springboards. There won’t be any fix coming until someone can give me accurate enough method to reproduce the problem.
September 11th, 2009 at 6:57 pm
This was easily solved. Will update soon. Still need info on these blank springboard issues.
September 11th, 2009 at 7:13 pm
My situation went like this: 16gb iPhone 3g 3.0.1. Winterboard: user wallpaper:enabled, bosspaper: enabled running a folder(ssh’ed into winterboard)of 8 images. Various combinations have led to loss of springboard icons all hinging on it(bosspaper) being enabled in the mobile substrate/addon pane within SBSettings.User wallpaper in winterboard doesn’t seem to matter. So enabling b.p. in S.B.S. erases icons. Enanbling B.P. from WIthin B.P. changed nothing. Hope this helps bring back a nifty add on
September 11th, 2009 at 7:22 pm
What does “Enabling BP from within BP changed nothing” mean? It sounds like you have many cases when you have icons and cases when you don’t. Are you trying to say the problem only occurs when you enable / disable via sbsettings? The method of enabling or disabling shouldnt cause the problem.
Can you please give me a complete list of all things you have in sbsettings mobile substrate section followed by a complete list of your winterboard themes that are active and the order in which they are activated?
September 11th, 2009 at 7:42 pm
BigBoss – I sent you an email with screen shots of my issue. The Wallpaper.png is showing thru with BossPaper set to Under Winterboard OFF. This behavior wasn’t present in the prior versions.
September 11th, 2009 at 7:43 pm
Mobile substrate/add-on:
Winterboard:From the top(active)
Beatles-Let it Be(slider)
Cydia Wallpaper
Apple Papers
NY Giants Battery
No Docked Icon Labels
No Undocked Icon Labels
Supreme Preferences 3.0
User Wallpaper
pwnapple loaders
Volume Boost 3.0
Transparent Dock
Glass Extra Icons
Glass-No Weather
September 11th, 2009 at 7:58 pm
Well can you reproduce the the disappearing status bar?
Anyway will you link to the previous version? I was happy with that one to be honest…
September 11th, 2009 at 9:52 pm
Yes, I have fixed the statusbar. No, I am not interested in helping one person get an old version but instead interested in debugging and solving the problems.
September 11th, 2009 at 9:53 pm
Thank you. You were quite helpful :)
September 12th, 2009 at 3:09 pm
Version 1.1.1 fixed the disappearing icons over here!
September 13th, 2009 at 9:29 am
Hi !!!
Compliment’s for hard working , and trying help us!:-)
my question :
I have an Iphone edge with 3.0 fw! With winterboard and boss paper!
I have only enabled a lockscreen immage, but this is ever blank, while on Sim-lock screen is possible to view my Immage!when I enable the immage lake default springboard them this work but everytime I could’not see a lockscreen image!!whats happend?
Regards!!! And thanx to reply
September 17th, 2009 at 3:21 pm
Any chance of a program like this being available in the App Store? I know I’d pay for it. Having a 3GS and it’s firmware upgrade issues, I’m wondering if I want to continue to stay jailbroken. The only thing I jailbreak for is UI skinning: ie to change the battery charge pics, icons (making them clear with Let’s See), and Springboard background. It would be nice to be able to do this w/o jailbreaking. Does Apple really cares about graphical changes such as these? I’ve seen Wallpaper apps, but none that affect Springboard.
Also, putting the configuration in Settings, instead of a separate app icon would be cool.
Love the program, v1.1 works great!
November 13th, 2009 at 8:14 am
My bosspaper won’t work at all. I had a 1g touch and never had a problem. Now I have a 16gb 3gs jailbroke and unlocked with blackra1n and blacksn0w. I don’t understand what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
January 18th, 2010 at 1:07 pm
I am trying use photos from a different folder in the photos app. To be exact im trying to use pictures i uploaded from a digital camera and every time i try to find those photos it seems i can only use the photos i took using my iphone camera. Is it not possible to use other photos or am i doing something wrong? Great app still!!
January 26th, 2010 at 2:25 pm
is there a guide to using BossPaper on this site somewhere? can i only use images from the “camera roll” i tried searching through other folders to find other photo albums but it all looks like gibberish to me and i cant figure out which folder is which.
September 1st, 2010 at 12:04 am
I have a question about Bosspaper.
I have installed Bosspaper on my Iphone4. And transfered a couple of pics via SSH to Var/Media/boss.
After selecting the 3 pics in Bosspaper, and exiting bosspaper nothing happens. I still have my old factory setting wallpaper on. Even after I switch my phone of and on again, my old wallpaper appears. Do you know what i am doing wrong? Why isnt Bosspaper working? Ihope you can help..
Lots of greetings, Joe
September 1st, 2010 at 12:06 am
ps, I am using an Iphone4. ver. 4.0.1
September 5th, 2010 at 11:10 pm
I have latest version on 3GS running iOS4. I have an html file that contains clock and weather widget. I have transparent wallpaper.png file and can see the widgets sitting on black background. Have “yes” in bosspaper for under winterboard. Widgets still behind bosspaper wallpaper. What am I missing?
September 30th, 2010 at 11:46 am
Yes, I have a similar problem. I just recently installed G.O.C. Pro theme, and there is a feature in G.O.C. Pro for a Weather+Date Widget, that will not display when Bosspaper is running. Has anyone yet found a work-around or solution to get this kind of Widget to display while using BossPaper in G.O.C. Pro or a similar situation?
Thanks – a lot of folks are asking about this on the G.O.C. Forums in Modmyi.
November 3rd, 2010 at 3:13 pm
Am having a problem with my bosspaper on the image selection area i only have, folders,individual pictures and dock images, i no longer have the option of solid colors ,and now my phone is stuck on all black background, i try un-installing it and re-installing it but it still dose not show. How do you fix this problem.
December 14th, 2010 at 6:02 am
Boss Paper is great. I have only recently encountered an issue with it. I am running on an iPhone 3G 8Gig, 4.2.1, JB and Unlocked for Tmobile. I am trying to run iWeather Widget on top of Boss Paper, but even with the Under Winterboard setting turned On, it remains hidden. Any thoughts?
December 28th, 2010 at 10:05 pm
Same issue I have with my bosspaper.the widgets won’t show even with the under winterboard setting turned on
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