Manually Save your SHSH 4.3.1 With Tiny Umbrella Now
Author: BigBoss // Category: Jailbreak, News-
Urgent action required for anyone that likes jailbreaking 4.3.1, 4.3.2, or 4.3.3 and wants to do so in the near future.
For those of you unaware of the Apple firmware update policy, you can only restore firmware version that Apple approves. When you restore in iTunes, it goes to Apple’s web site and verifies if you are eligible for this specific version. This was solved by Cydia storing your SHSH (the is it ok to restore this version request response from Apple). This has been ok for the last year.
For current 4.3.2 SHSH, use the latest tiny umbrella version (same instructions) (Windows) and (OSX).
Watch the firmwareumbrella website for a 4.3.3 capable version and use it when you can!
To do this, go to advanced, uncheck “request shsh from cydia” and uncheck “set hosts to cydia on exit”. Then restart umbrella, go to show all shsh’s and save them all. In the logs you should see 4.3.1 come down. This will allow you to restore 4.3.1 or 4.3.2 through umbrella’s tss server if you need to.
Cydia’s SHSH system will hopefully be back up soon. When it is, I will post about it on this site. (Note: your older shsh’s are still safely stored in Cydia and are not lost).
Alternative to this is to install iSHSHit from Cydia, back up your SHSH and then email it to yourself. From there you can copy it to tinu umbrella’s SHSH folder.
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