GVIntegrated – A new way to Google Voice

Author: Jaywalker  //  Category: Apps, Jailbreak

In the early days of Google Voice, as many of you will remember, Apple was reluctant to allow Google to publish their app. Admittedly , I was among the many protesting to allow GV on the iPhone, but to be honest, when it finally arrived, I was still disappointed. Google’s not to blame; they did the best they could with what Apple gave them. I can say this because I stood in awe of their Android implementation. After months of struggling with the Google app I decided it was time to change the playing field.

Android users were able to have their devices ask which number they wanted to call with, all within the standard dialing application! I wanted this! I wanted to be able to define who I called with which number and for all others, be reminded that I have a choice. I wanted Google Voice, Integrated into my standard Phone.app! Thus, GVIntegrated was born.

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AdBlocker 1.20 – now even better

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Apps, Jailbreak, News

Surf faster + Use less data. AdBlocker has been updated to 1.20!
AdBlocker is an easy to use and powerful tool, similar to extensions for your desktop browser. It blocks image based ads in Safari and other apps which are using browser-like views (UIWebViews).

AdBlocker is available in the CydiaStore for just $ 2.19

What’s new:

The blocking engine is now faster and keeps your browser view responsive.

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CallBar : Change the way you receive calls!

Author: limneos  //  Category: News

Don’t let incoming phone or FaceTime calls interrupt what you’re doing on your device any longer. CallBar re-designs the incoming phone and video call interface to allow you to use your device while it’s ringing. Choose to answer, decline, or even dismiss the incoming call depending on your choice. Upon dismissal, the bar will shrink [...]

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iOS 4.3.4 out do not upgrade

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

Update: Also do not yet update to iOS5, especially the GM which will expire. For info about iOS5, go here.

Update: all this applies to 4.3.5 as well.

As I predicted 10 days ago, Apple released iOS v4.3.4 today. This does nothing except patch the jailbreakme.com jailbreak from comex and, in the process, patch i0nic’s exploit making it so we cannot jailbreak 4.3.4 untethered. Im not sure if Apple has stopped signing 4.3.3 yet so if you havent then load cydia or tiny umbrella and get your shsh saved off. Additional warning to iPad 2 users. If you have a 3G iPad, even saving the shsh won’t be enough to restore 4.3.3 because the baseband is also under shsh protection now. Wifi only iPad 2′s and all other devices are still protected by shsh storage.

Again, do not update to this firmware. When iTunes asks if you want to install the new firmware, say no. If you update then you will gain nothing and lose your jailbreak.

This warning goes for 4.2.9, which is the CDMA version of the patched firmware. Do not install that either.

And no, this update provides you no new features only closes the jailbreak.

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Samba (file sharing) for iOS released

Author: openhebrew  //  Category: Apps, News

I’m glad to announce that the free Samba port for iOS is out now. Samba is an implementation of the Windows SMB protocol (which allows you to access devices over your network). This allows you to see your iDevice files over your WiFi networks with no additional software required on your computer.  !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:'https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+’://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, ‘script’, ‘twitter-wjs’);lang: en_US

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iPad 2 jailbreak released

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

The iPad2 jailbreak is released tonight by Comex. This is a new PDF exploit that you can apply directly on your ipad by going to jailbreakme.com. Once the jailbreak runs, you will have a Cydia icon and a complete untethered jailbreak. This site can be used for all 4.3.3 devices not just ipad 2. If you are already jailbroken with Redsn0w, no need to jailbreak again, you are set.

Bigboss personal note: (no disrespect to Comex intended) While this seems like a great thing for everyone, in my opinion it is not. I would have liked to have seen this exploit held. Here’s why. The community probably had a free run until iOS5. Meaning, i0nic’s exploit was good for all devices except iPad 2. But Apple is focused on ios5 so they probably would not have released a 4.3.4 or 4.4. iOS 5 being due in September, that would have given every one another 2 months of freely jailbreaking any firmware. However, due to the nature of this being a PDF exploit that can be applied directly in Safari, Apple will have to immediately release an updated firmware to patch this exploit. That update will also have patched i0nic’s exploit. So I predict that within a week or so, we will have no more untethered jailbreak for the newest firmwares. Therefore, make sure you all load cydia and save your SHSH off so you can restore 4.3.3 if you ever need to again. And to the a$#@#$ that leaked the PDF exploit early, you basically gave Apple a 5 day head start on patching. Thanks.

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NEW biteSMS Release 5.3 out now!

Author: biteSMS  //  Category: Apps, News

14 June 2011 Quick Reply now shows MMS picture(s). Quick Reply pull-down curtain also shows MMS pictures. In Quick Reply, for MMS pictures simply tap to view in full screen (on lock and unlock screens), tap to return. zoom in, out, scroll etc. Improved Quick Reply, such that the text field grows as you type [...]

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Dialer Shield – an intuitive fix for accidental screen presses

Author: phoenix3200  //  Category: Apps

Dialer shield is a handy little tweak that both looks good and is functional: no longer worry about hitting mute or speakerphone mode with your ear; all keypresses are blocked via a bidirectional slider. Slide left to access the keys, tap again to lock them. Want to end a phone call? Just drag the other [...]

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Do Not Install IOS5 Beta

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: General

At WWDC, IOS5 was announced. I really thought this would go without saying, and it probably does for most of you. But do not install IOS5 beta unless you are a developer actually developing on it. It might seem fun, but really there’s nothing there you can’t get today from IOS4 jailbroken. Since IOS5 is not out until September (months away), no developers are releasing updates to support it right now. Almost everything is broken on it. Yes, you can jailbreak it tethered, but is also only for developers to start fixing things. All these beta firmwares expire which means you will have to update every couple weeks. In short, this is not meant for the public and no one should be running it.

I know SBSettings is broken on IOS5. Yes, I already have had ideas about using the notification area for IOS5 SBSettings. Therefore, all emails regarding SBSettings on IOS5 will just be ignored and deleted.

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AnyRing 5.0 – Improved UI & Design

Author: ismartdialer  //  Category: News

AnyRing 5.0, the long awaited version, has just been released with a totally new UI (designed by suki.co.il design studio) and was completely rewritten from the ground up to meet iOS lastest SDK changes.  !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:'https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+’://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, ‘script’, ‘twitter-wjs’);lang: en_US

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ScreenDimmer 1.60: Proximity Sensor!

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Apps, Jailbreak

ScreenDimmer has been updated with support for the proximity sensor. If your device has a proximity sensor you can use it to turn the display off/on. This feature will for example turn the display off if  you put the device in your pocket or place it on your desk with the display facing down.  !function(d,s,id){var [...]

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PhotoAlbums+ 3.0

Author: iRealSMS dev  //  Category: Apps

The latest update to PhotoAlbum+ now brings compatibility with the latest 4.3 firmwares as well as a list of other optimizations and welcomed features which make the application more reliable and practical.. For those of you that dont know what PhotoAlbums+ is, its a simple CameraRoll Management Tool.  It allows you easily create custom photo [...]

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iOS 4.3.3 is out. Do not update.

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

Update: Redsn0w 0.9.6rc15 now supports untethered 4.3.3 jailbreak. I still recommend not updating due to no need to do so, but if you are on 4.3.3, you can now jailbreak it.

As the topic says. iOS v4.3.3 is now out. Do not update. It only contains a fix for the consolidated.db issue that the press made such a silly fuss over. If you require this fix, instead stay on your current firmware jailbroken and install untrackerd from cydia.

No official jailbreak is currently available and no ETA.Comex has verified, however, that the existing exploit used to jailbreak 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 still exists unpatched. It seems Apple didnt want to make any additional changes except the location tracking system. It seems redsn0w v0.9.6rc14 will jailbreak 4.3.3 tethered only as long as you point it to the 4.3.2 firmware. My advice is to wait for an official jailbreak for 4.3.3 before updating. And since the location untrackerd package successfully neuters the problem 4.3.3 aims to solve anyway, there’s really no reason to update for any jailbroken users.

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Auto Answer now available for iPhone

Author: limneos  //  Category: News

One of the features iPhone was missing compared to other phones is auto-answer on a specified interval , for specific numbers. This app is now ready and its live. AutoAnswer answers FaceTime and Phone calls of selected numbers automatically. The FaceTime feature is really cool, since you can also use it as video surveillance of [...]

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PhySwitch: app switching using volume keys

Author: pH  //  Category: Apps, Development, News

Hi, I’ve just released a new project called PhySwitch. It’s a simple app switcher using volume buttons to change between applications.

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