FaceBreak: 4.2.1/4.2.6 Support

Author: ismartdialer  //  Category: News

FaceBreak is a Mobile Substrate extension that allows FaceTime calls over 3G.  New version now supports iOS 4.2.1/4.2.6(Verizon) and uses much less memory than previous versions.  !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:'https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+’://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, ‘script’, ‘twitter-wjs’);lang: en_US

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YoutubeToMp3 2.1

Author: Albert Schulz  //  Category: Apps

Edit: Use this free online converter here instead. YoutubeToMp3 Version 2.0 is officially released now. With YoutubeToMp3 2.0 you can search and download your favorite youtube music videos and convert them right on the iPod/iPhone to a high quality MP3 file in just a few seconds!  !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:'https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+’://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, ‘script’, ‘twitter-wjs’);lang: en_US

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iPhone 4: AT&T vs Verizon

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: News

So for all of you USA users, anyone tempted to switch to Verizon now that they have the iPhone 4, I say do not do it. I purchased a verizon iphone and did some speed tests here in Oregon. At least in my region, AT&T was 10-20 times faster than verizon consistently in 3g data transfer rates.

Here are some tests:

Test # AT&T Ping AT&T K Down AT&T K Up Verizon Ping Verizon K Down Verizon K Up
1 579 775 24 733 58 8
2 215 626 222 279 200 228
3 245 1676 1304 258 257 372
4 206 1642 1063 279 366 24
5 244 3348 1695 266 242 253

Then I repeated the test with AT&T on EDGE. That’s right. I disabled 3g and used EDGE. I left Verizon on 3g, since that is the only way their CDMA works:

Test # AT&T E Ping AT&T E K Down AT&T E K Up Verizon Ping Verizon K Down Verizon K Up
1 618 162 89 279 125 170
Ping – lower is better. For k down and k up, higher is better (this is your actual transfer rate). My tests were all performed with speedtest’s appstore app. I tested them at different times of the day on different days to see performance changes. Both devices seem to be running on about 3 bars in my location. I drove around town to different locations. The results are all above in the charts.
Summary, Verizon’s marketing insists on the best 3g network available. “Can you hear me now”. Service everywhere. But comparing it to our AT&T, at least here, AT&T just kills it.
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Firewall iP 2.0 now available

Author: Yllier  //  Category: Apps, Jailbreak

Firewall iP, the first and only Firewall for iOS, got updated to 2.0!

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WeBe++ 1.1 Update: PS3 Buttons & Cursors

Author: mringwal  //  Category: Development, News, Repository

The first version of WeBe++ lacked one important feature: Cursor support – a severe problem for AppleTV 2G users. And for the large number of PS3 users, operating their device without these geometric symbol buttons (triangle, square, cross, and circle) wasn’t fun either. The new update solves both by a special PS3 widget. Give it a try!

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Verizon iPhone jailbroken With Green Pois0n

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: News

It appears that Greenpois0n RC5 B4 supports Verizon iPhone. Enjoy :)
Some packages may be currently blocked for installation.

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Masks for iPhone / iPod / iPad

Author: limneos  //  Category: News

New application for theming icons via masking. This tweak allows the user to choose an overlay icon , any icon, either pre-supplied or custom, and this is applied as a mask to all the SpringBoard icons and , optionally, the wallpaper in rusbank.net. Choose from over 40 pre-made masks to match your preference! A new [...]

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Lockdown Pro v. 2.0 now available!

Author: ipodtouchmaster  //  Category: Apps

The simplest way to password protect your applications just got easier! Now in version 2.0 of Lockdown Pro you can lock or unlock applications directly from your springboard! Its as easy as holding down an icon to get into wiggle mode, then click the little lock icon on the bottom right corner of apps and [...]

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biteSMS Release 5.1 out now…

Author: biteSMS  //  Category: News

31 January 2011 Now fully iOS 4.2.1 compliant. Great new Privacy feature, allows you to easily hide any of your conversations for complete privacy and reveal them as required (or simply to blacklist them). See biteSMS, Settings, Hide Contact for details. Enhanced Quick List – We now show the full text message in the Quick [...]

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Join us for live chat

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

We now have a support channel on IRC:
#ios at irc.thebigboss.org, chat.thebigboss.org, or irc.conceited.net. If you don’t have an irc client, you can connect wtih this link.

If you want a native IRC client you can use mIRC for windows or Linkinus for OSX.

Chat etiquette:
1) Please pick a decent nick name don’t use mib_34234j
2) If you have questions or need help just ask the channel and wait around. People respond as they see the question sometimes 15-20 mins later.
3) DONT TYPE IN ALL CAPS (that’s considered yelling).
4) Don’t send private messages to people without permission first. Your question should probably be asked in public and may be relevant to other users’ problems.
5) It is perfectly fine to “idle” there which means connect, stay connected even when you aren’t there. Many of us do that.
6) Have fun!

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4.2.1 Untethered Jailbreak Out

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, News

It looks like posixninja beat Musclenerd to the punch. Green poison RC5 is out and provides an untethered jailbreak.  The exploit used is already known to be patched in the upcoming 4.3 firmware so it made sense to get it released as soon as possible. Currently only the OSX version is out but a Windows version is on its way out as well. You can it from http://www.greenpois0n.com/

Note: this version does not provide hacktivation.

And a note from Musclenerd:
For those having trouble getting Cydia via the GP Loader, just let redsn0w install it (don’t choose the Monte option)

For those having problems in osx v10.5.x try this: http://www.gadgetsdna.com/jailbreak-ios-4.2.1-with-greenpois0n-rc5_2-on-mac-os-x-leopard/8634

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Dimmer – Quit blinding yourself!

Author: phoenix3200  //  Category: News

Have you tried using your device at night or in bed?  Do you feel like you might as well have a flashlight pointed in your face?  Your backlight – even at it’s dimmest setting – is way too bright, and you’ve likely been losing sleep because of it.  However, that doesn’t mean you have to [...]

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Click2Call – A New Way to Call Your Favorite People

Author: eni9889  //  Category: Apps

Click2Call has been updated to v 1.1-5. This updated version brings custom contact icons and the ability to change the title of the contact shortcuts. For those of you who are not familiar with Click2Call, it is an application that allows you to make springboard shortcuts of your favorite contacts and dial them with a [...]

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PhotoAlbums+ Update

Author: iRealSMS dev  //  Category: Development, General, News

SpiritOfLogic’s latest PhotoAlbums+ 2.0 update fixes a couple bugs and now provides the long awaited iPad Support! For those of you that dont know what PhotoAlbums+ is, its a simple CameraRoll Management Tool.  It allows you easily create custom photo albums so you can sort out all the images/videos from your CameraRoll directly on your [...]

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About iPhone 4 Verizon

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: News

A few people have asked me my opinion on iPhone 4 on Verizon and how it will impact us, if I will switch to Verizon, etc. Interestingly enough, my opinion is exactly stated perfectly by cmdshift here.  It’s an interesting (and short) read.

As he suggests, I also wait for summer to see what is in store with iPhone 5.

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