SBSettings and EDGE on 3.0

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Apps

I have had a few reports that EDGE does not work on 3.0. I believe it does. Here is the story with it.

The EDGE toggle does not disable the EDGE radio. You cant do that without disabling the phone system. Instead, it just tells the iPhone settings that the network connection that EDGE uses is “unavailable”. This is the same method that has been used for EDGE toggle since 1.1 firmware in early BossPrefs.This blocks all data since it’s no longer a valid data connection. Now you may indeed have an E or even a 3G if you have EDGE off and 3G on. But you will not be able to get onto the internet. You may also have an IP address.

See some screenshots:
Start with the first one. Notice you will see 3G in the statusbar? But safari cannot get onto the web.

On the 2nd one, you also have an IP address even though you are still not on the internet. (This is the same picture, I just swiped sbsettings into view).

Now, someone indicated that with push mail you are still getting data coming through. Indeed this could be the case. While the network is basically unavailable, for packets that originate outside of the iPhone they probably can still come through. This means if you want to be sure EDGE is off, do not have any sort of push service running.

As a side effect, you cannot tell EDGE is really off without checking safar. Also, it is possible some MMS services use the data connection to send the pictures. If these also originate from the carrier there’s no disabling them either.

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iPhone 3.0 app compatibility list

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Apps, Jailbreak

I am starting a compatilbity list. I will do my best to updated it as I get more information and as updated apps come in. First off, most all regular apps should work on 3.0. The changes were not that severe for most apps to stop working. So if the app is not in the list, it probably works. What probably does not work are apps that rely on mobile substrate or any sort of springboard patching. These all use undocumented APIs.

Next is to understand why some things are not working *for you* that are listed on the “working” list. Many apps require root access and use a trick that involves the dirname command. This command was not present in some older packages in Saurik’s older repository. Saurik set up a newer version of his repository for 3.0 (which will merge back in to the trunk soon). The point is, many of you may have his older repository instead due to one of these reasons:

1) You used an early Icy without its essential updates that do not fix saurik’s repo.
2) You used apt backup to restore your packages and it restored the old repository.
3) You did not accept some essential updates.
4) Some other thing that I am not aware of. But the cause is most likely failing dirname command.

You can check if you have this issue in Cydia: Load Cydia, wait for it to do its thing then go to manage, sources, then look for Telesphoreo in the list. If you see this line of text *exactly*, you have the new repository “Distribution of Unix Software for iPhoneOS 3″ (this is good!) If you see this line: “Distribution of Unix Software for iPhoneOS” (this is bad) you have the *old* repository.

One more thing. If you install something and get an immediate spinning wheel of death, reboot. Some times mobilesubstrate’s install causes this and after a reboot it will be fine.

On to the app list:

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iPhone 3.0 Jailbreak Out For OSX

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak, Repository

Edit #2: redsn0w replaces quickpwn and also handles jailbreak of iPhones without restore! (I believe the name quickpwn was retired because is a stolen, fake site and the dev team does not want to support it).

Edit (June 20th): redsn0w 0.7 for 3.0 is out now! Get here

The dev team just released pwnage for OSX. So all your MAC users can now jailbreak your iphones. Note that this is pwnage not quickpwn. You can download it here. Also read the notes on the blog. Some highlights are:

* UltraSnow (3.0 unlock) is not available yet. If you have YellowSn0w, do not yet upgrade.

* If you have a 3gs, you must wait for an unspecified amount of time.

* iPod touch 2 users: Download here. If you have an iPod touch 2g, you must wait for a redsn0w update. Not ready yet.

* There is no windows version, there is no quickpwn yet. Coming later.

The basic pwnage guide should still work basically the same.

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biteSMS Version 4 out now for Firmware 3 !!!

Author: biteSMS  //  Category: News

This is the BIGGEST ever release of biteSMS! This release has got everything the built-in Messaging application has got!!! Provides support for all the new Apple features; Full Landscape, 3G MMS, Multiple Forward / Delete, Cut & Paste and the Retry Sending feature. Plus all these extra great features For Firmware 2 users, although you’ll [...]

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iPhone 3.0 Preparation

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak

So Apple released 3.0. I suggest you wait a few hours for a jailbreak (released anytime now) before you update. Here are a few facts about this update:

1) Apt backup probably will not work reliably. Some packages are not going to install on 3.0 and I do not know if it is graceful about failures.

2) If you don’t trust iTunes backup, you should use SCP or iPhoneBrowser and copy /var/mobile/Library/AddressBook to your computer. This contains your contacts. While you’re at it you may want to copy all these:

/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook – Contacts
/var/mobile/Library/Calendar – Your calendar
/var/mobile/Library/Notes – your notes database
/var/mobile/Library/Safari – your bookmarks and cookies
/var/mobile/Library/SMS – your text messages.

3) The jailbreak will be out soon. The unlock soon as well. If you require unlock you should wait for it before your update.

4) Some apps are still not ported to 3.0. Most apps will work. But some things that require some hacking to work will probably not work. Known issues (there may be more):

- Quickgold is replaced by spotlight, but spotlight wont launch hidden apps.
- BiteSMS, MySMS, iRealSMS are not yet updated (BiteSMS and iRealSMS are due to be released anytime though and could be ready by the time jailbreak comes).
- Backgrounder – No development for 3.0 has started on this great app

5) You will need to be at iTunes 8.2 to update, and iTunes 8.2 will not allow you to revert to an older version.

6) Apps that don’t work will likely cause mobile substrate safe mode to trigger.

7) SBSettings, categories, bossprefs, docs, and all my other apps have been ported and tested on 3.0 b5 and should be ready to go on a proper jailbreak.

8) You should have a pwnage and quickpwn type tool updated for iPhone 3.0. The instructions and usage will be the same. I will update my guides when these tools are released.

9) If you have hidden any apps using poof, sbsettings, bossprefs or such, you should unhide them all prior to updating to avoid issues. Go to settings, enable restrictions, enter a password, then disable restrictions. That should unhide all apps you care about making you update worthy in one easy step.

10) Make sure you do not “update” to 3.0 but you “restore” to 3.0. An “update” will mean you lose all your space where your jailbreak apps were installed. The files will still be present but no longer available so you just out on the disk space. Restore solves this problem.

Updates will be posted here when jailbreak is released.

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yellowsn0w for 3.0 on the way!

Author: Pico  //  Category: Development, Jailbreak, News

Update: The Dev-Team has just updated their blog in conjunction to MuscleNerd’s Ultrasn0w Demo (that’s what they are calling the 3.0 unlock)

* Only ultrasn0w is going to take til Friday to get pushed out. All of our other tools should be out pretty soon after the official Apple release.
* If you apply our jailbreak when it comes out, you can install ultrasn0w anytime after that. You obviously won’t have cell service in the meantime, though.
* This may in fact be directly applicable to the iPhone 3GS if it can be jailbroken, because it runs the same baseband version. Whether or not it can be jailbroken is a big question right now!

Watch MuscleNerd’s Ultrasn0w Demo


The Dev-Team Blog has just confirmed that they are in the finalizing stages of testing Pwnage Tool and Quickpwn that will work with iTunes 8.2.

In more anticipating news, they also announced that on Tuesday evening (just before 3.0 goes live), they will perform a live demo of the yellowsn0w carrier unlock working on official 3.0 firmware.

This is great news for all, as the image they provide shows the final 3.0 modem firmware (04.26.08) – basically sayings that all iPhone 3G’s are unlockable – even ones that have 5.9 Bootloader and 02.30.00+ modem firmware.

I would still recommend waiting on upgrading to 3.0 until the Dev-Team releases all information regarding the jailbreak and unlock.

Thank you Dev-Team!

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iSpoof v2.3 Release (crucial)

Author: iSpoof  //  Category: News

For those of you who have never heard of us we are the #1 spoofing application. This is a free application with our main feature, “Changing your Caller ID” for free. For everyone that currently has iSpoof installed this is an important update to insure our continuous quality of service. Thank you, iSpoof.  !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?’http’:'https’;if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+’://’;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, [...]

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3.0GM – Dont upgrade yet

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak

Yes, 3.0 GM is released to developers. This is the final 3.0 release. There is no jailbreak for it at this time. Do not yet upgrade. There are rumors of people using the 3.0 b5 jailbreak tools. This is a terrible idea. It will replace most your 3.0GM with B5 components. You will not have a real 3.0 final any longer, instead you will have a hybrid 3.0 and beta 5. It’s a terrible idea. Next week when beta 5 expires, your 3.0 jailbreak could expire as well and you would have to restore all over again.Yes, some people may claim that they did this and “it works fine”. But as I just stated, it is not a real 3.0 final any longer. Definitely not a good idea nor is this something you want.

Just wait a few days and you should be ok.

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Gevey 3G Works Stable

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Jailbreak

Edit: dev team announced a 3.0 software unlock, so these sim adapters may become irrelevant again. I have discontinued sales of them waiting for the new release.

I have spent some time researching options for all of us on 3g iPhones with a 2.30 baseband that cannot be downgraded. Yellowsn0w is not working for these devices, and if Fuzzy cannot downgrade your baseband, you are stuck with using a sim adapter. Unfortunately, not all sim adapters are the same. In fact, many are unstable and drop signal regularly. I have done some testing on various sim adapters and am pleased to report that the Gevey3g sim works very well and hasn’t dropped my TMobile signal once yet.

The sim does not require any sim card cutting, seems to offer full signal strength, and seems stable. It requires you enable data roaming if you want to get data (EDGE is all that’s offered here on TMobile USA).

In the process of my testing, I contacted Gevey3g and managed to get a small shipment of these sim adapters. They sell for $49.99 + shipping from, but I’m offering them for a substantial discount to anyone that needs them (less than half price). Mind you, I am not trying to make a business of selling these and am only doing this to help out, because sim adapters are otherwise hit and miss. If you can find these for cheaper elsewhere, by all means feel free to buy them from someone else. I’m only offering a products that I personally tested and can put some level of confidence into selling. Note, I considered not selling these as I have prided my site around giving everything away for free. Therefore, I may stop selling these after the first lot is gone. There are also counterfeit versions of Gevey3g sim (since they seem to be stable) so make sure you are getting the real thing.

If you are interested from buying from me, you can use the google checkout link I have provided. All prices include shipping.

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Docs and SceneNews

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: News

I have updated Docs tonight.The updated v2.3 now supports landscape viewing and also fixes the annoying bug on excel files where when on past versions when you loaded them, the loading spinner stayed in the middle of the page the whole time. I also moved the spinner from the middle of the page onto the far upper right and added a “stop” button.

I have created an app called SceneNews which has iPhone viewable versions of hand-picked iPhone news web sites. The pages should load quickly for you as they are iPhone formatted without all the normal frames on normal pages. The app leverages the docs code so it was relatively simple to implement.

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SBSettings 3.0 Part 3

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Apps

Edit: June 1
I released 2.99-3 2.99-4 with 2 small changes:
1) Fixed so you cannot type in the mobile substrate text box.
2) Added option to hide the hold indicators. If you dislike the new little hand icons indicating which icons support hold action, you can turn them off in the more app. Just go and disable the Shows Hold Icons option. It defaults to ON.

Original Post Below:
I released SBSettings 2.99-2. Here are the changes. Those of you that were having wifi issues should go get it since I reverted the iPhone OS 2 wifi toggle back to its previous code base.

Changes: (Note: this is a v3.0 release candidate).


  • More App: Fixed issue with text box on 2.x mobile substrate screen.
  • Both: Option switch in more app and support for 24 hour time display (by request).
  • Both: Option switch in more app and support for toggling between / and . for date separator (by request).
  • DYLIB: Moved Wifi toggle code back to 1.x version method for 2.x iPhones. I couldn’t reproduce any wifi toggle errors, but now it’s back to how it used to be anyway. The new code is only used on 3.0.
  • DYLIB: Added a little indicator to the bottom right of each icon that supports hold action. (Themers, this icon is themable. Just add a Hold.png in your theme. It should be 19×19. If your icon is missing, the one out of Default theme is used).
  • DYLIB: Added a quick popup to wifi toggle on the hold action to indicate on which access point you are connected. (Sorry, but figuring out how to select access points will require a lot more research. Remember none of this stuff is documented by Apple.)
  • DYLIB: Updated processes toggle to not close the toggle each time you kill an app with it.
  • DYLIB: Fixed springboard crash when holding wifi toggle for 1 second on 2.x.
  • DYLIB: Prevent fast respring if iPhone is locked. Periodically, people post news and videos that you can get to icons and bypass the security lock. This feature is disabled by default and I only added it because users wanted it. So it is an option that you have to enable in the settings. I don’t consider this a security issue since you have to actually enable the feature. In either case, I patched the respring bypass to allow my email inbox to quiet down.
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SBSettings 3.0 Soon part 2

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Apps, Development, Jailbreak, Repository

Edit: I packed this up and released it as v2.99. There are a couple more things I plan before 3.0 comes out, but this will get some good testing in. A couple notes, the install process should work, but if you have any weird problems, like respring just hangs with the respring screen up, reboot the iPhone and then send me email letting me know this happened. I am trying to avoid a reboot on install and want to make sure it’s working for the masses. Also, remember you must enable the status bar features in the more app!

Note: themes like leopard U/I that put javascript web content directly over the statusbar will prevent statusbar date and memory from showing up.

So I have still been working on SBSettings for 3.0 (and update for 2.x). In addition to the features listed in my previous post I have added:

  • You can now have more than 12 toggles. (On the 3.0 OS). When you have > 12 toggles it will let you scroll like categories app or such.
  • There is now an option to put the free memory in the statusbar. See:
  • You can now select from several options to customize the behaviors of SBSettings:
    • Enable or disable the U/I from lock screen
    • Enable or disable the U/I during calls (for those of you that kept having the U/I activate on your cheek).
    • Enable or disable the date in status bar.
    • Enable or disable the memory free in status bar.
    • Enable or disable numeric battery, wifi, or GSM (phone strength).
  • Revamped the U/I on the more – extras screen.
  • Internally, I have made the toggles SDK more extensible enabling direct access to system() calls within the toggles. I expect another small flood of new toggles like safari download, samba, or syslog toggles. These tasks were impossibly difficult on 1.x sbsettings and are now trivially simple.

Known Issues – Please READ THIS before you comment:

1) If your respring, SSH, or EDGE doesn’t work, you are one of the unlucky 3100 to get my bad pack. Reboot the iPhone and you should be ok.

2) If you hold wifi for more than 1 second to try to invoke the hold action, springboard will crash. I had debugging stuff in there that I forgot to remove. None of the toggles support invoke hold action yet anyway so there is no need to hold them.

3) If you saw fastnotes, location services, or processes uninstall on the update this is normal. They are now included in the core sbsettings.

4) I already know that there is some misaligned text on 2.0 mobile substrate screen. The font on 3.0 and 2.0 are sized differently by defaults. Will fix in next version.

5) If you are on 3.0 this will not work for you. Do not report that the more app crashes. It’s not a problem with sbsettings. It’s in your jailbreak. To properly make it work on 3.0 beta, you require a private, not yet released kernel patch and to fix your crashing on loading the more app, you need to install the package that includes dirname. (It will be installed on a real 3.0 release build). Look for one of the *-cmds packages like “adv-cmds”, “file-cmds”, “shell-cmds” or just install all 3.

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SBSettings 3.0 soon

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Apps

SBSettings 3.0 is working well. I plan to release it soon since most the new features are also working on 2.0. I am not yet done but here is the current changelog:


  • DYLIB: Modified for all the changes required to work on 3.0 (with proper patched jailbreak, not working with public jailbreak on 3.0).
  • DYLIB: Added status bar date. This will put the date in your statusbar right by your clock. This defaults off and you must enable it in the more app. See screenshot of statusbar with this enabled:
  • DYLIB: Massively reworked SSH and EDGE toggles. Solved the low memory freeze ups previously seen when hitting refresh or trying to toggle EDGE or SSH. This was a major issue on current versions of SBSettings. It seems totally solved.
  • DYLIB: Massively reworked WiFi toggle since it didn’t work on 3.0. It toggles very quickly now.
  • DYLIB: Massively reworked phone toggle (airplane) since it didnt work on 3.0. Phone toggle is also instant.
  • DYLIB: Added a single tap status bar to close the SBSettings window in 3.0 only. This is because home button brings up the search and there was some interference (enough that I felt annoyed). So you can swipe to open the window, tap to close.
  • Both: Added ability to move toggle order around.
  • More app: Added mobile substrate extensions manager. You can now troubleshoot a poorly performing device by disabling and enabling various installed mobile substrate extensions. (Requires respring after toggling).
  • More app: Added numeric wifi, numeric GMS (phone) to extras menu. (Note: the 3.0 version of numeric battery looks different. Remember this is just enabled by SBSettings. It’s a feature of springboard).
  • More app: Added statusbar date toggle button in extras menu to enable or disable statusbar date.
  • Revved version to 3.0 since this version works with iPhone OS 3.0. It should work with 2.0-3.0.
  • Reworked how root requiring toggles work. As such, we can now system out to processes as root. This enables Safari download and other toggles! (Expect them soon).
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Calling out for tester: Samba for the iPhone

Author: openhebrew  //  Category: Apps, Development

UPDATE: The Final version has been released, just search for “Samba” on Cydia, or check out this blog post: This is a beta for the most technical users. If you cannot follow the instructions below without help, you should not be attempting the process. About Samba for iPhone/iPod Touch allows you to see your [...]

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BigBoss Prep for 3.0

Author: BigBoss  //  Category: Apps, Development, Jailbreak

I have been working hard on iPhone 3.0 OS testing all my apps. At this point, most stuff is working although SBSettings has a couple small quirks. I plan to have everything ready and released before 3.0 is actually out. Apps tested are:

1) SBSettings - In addition to patching current kernel in current jailbreak to get this to work (sorry, I will not be able to give this patch out, wait for 3.0 to be released), I have fixed many of the changed hooks in Springboard 3 and installed an entirely new toggle mechanism. The old toggles mostly stopped working and had to be rewritten. This will also provide a more stable SSH toggle and EDGE toggle. It also will open the door for toggles like safari download and syslog which were previously not possible. Safari download toggle will become a trivial task and I plan to have a toggle whipped up for this new SBSettings.

2) BossPrefs - I planned on killing this app, but it seems to be used quite a lot in spite of SBSettings being out and better. The original BossPrefs was built for 1.1.x and built with the compatibility SDK. This is no longer possible to use on 3.0. I had to rewrite it from scratch. In doing so, I have it actually using the SBSettings toggles pack. (Yes, even brightness, fastnotes and the likes work, LOL).

3) Categories - Tested and working. Currently requires core-utils to be installed, which is no longer default install in Cydia.

4) Poof - Tested and working. Currently requires core-utils to be installed.

5) Flashlight - Tested, worked with no modification.

6) Docs - Tested, worked with no modification.

I have other apps, but they just do standard things and I believe they will all work without modification.

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