Edit: I packed this up and released it as v2.99. There are a couple more things I plan before 3.0 comes out, but this will get some good testing in. A couple notes, the install process should work, but if you have any weird problems, like respring just hangs with the respring screen up, reboot the iPhone and then send me email letting me know this happened. I am trying to avoid a reboot on install and want to make sure it’s working for the masses. Also, remember you must enable the status bar features in the more app!
Note: themes like leopard U/I that put javascript web content directly over the statusbar will prevent statusbar date and memory from showing up.
So I have still been working on SBSettings for 3.0 (and update for 2.x). In addition to the features listed in my previous post I have added:
- You can now have more than 12 toggles. (On the 3.0 OS). When you have > 12 toggles it will let you scroll like categories app or such.
- There is now an option to put the free memory in the statusbar. See:

- You can now select from several options to customize the behaviors of SBSettings:
- Enable or disable the U/I from lock screen
- Enable or disable the U/I during calls (for those of you that kept having the U/I activate on your cheek).
- Enable or disable the date in status bar.
- Enable or disable the memory free in status bar.
- Enable or disable numeric battery, wifi, or GSM (phone strength).
- Revamped the U/I on the more – extras screen.
- Internally, I have made the toggles SDK more extensible enabling direct access to system() calls within the toggles. I expect another small flood of new toggles like safari download, samba, or syslog toggles. These tasks were impossibly difficult on 1.x sbsettings and are now trivially simple.
Known Issues – Please READ THIS before you comment:
1) If your respring, SSH, or EDGE doesn’t work, you are one of the unlucky 3100 to get my bad pack. Reboot the iPhone and you should be ok.
2) If you hold wifi for more than 1 second to try to invoke the hold action, springboard will crash. I had debugging stuff in there that I forgot to remove. None of the toggles support invoke hold action yet anyway so there is no need to hold them.
3) If you saw fastnotes, location services, or processes uninstall on the update this is normal. They are now included in the core sbsettings.
4) I already know that there is some misaligned text on 2.0 mobile substrate screen. The font on 3.0 and 2.0 are sized differently by defaults. Will fix in next version.
5) If you are on 3.0 this will not work for you. Do not report that the more app crashes. It’s not a problem with sbsettings. It’s in your jailbreak. To properly make it work on 3.0 beta, you require a private, not yet released kernel patch and to fix your crashing on loading the more app, you need to install the package that includes dirname. (It will be installed on a real 3.0 release build). Look for one of the *-cmds packages like “adv-cmds”, “file-cmds”, “shell-cmds” or just install all 3.
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